I saved a ton of money on Valentines by switching to single My savings since my girlfriend broke up with me.įebruary 15 is when you buy half price roses, chocolates and enjoy all the bargains! Share with your favorite cheap Valentine! Here are valentine memes for cheap people. Some people love to be single on Valentine’s Day, why? Because they are saving money! Do you know how expensive this silly love holiday is? Yes, it’s outrageous. Funny Valentine’s Day Memes for Cheap People When you never forward those chain messages from back in 2008 – yeah, that’s probably why you dont have a Valentines day and are still single. Not sure if I should be sad Im single or happy because I dont have to get anyone anything.
You cant get dumped if you dont have a girlfriend. Naked, on the floor with a bottle of liquor in my hand screaming Adele songs to my cat. I can’t wait for Valentines because I get to make cupcake for someone special. How to convince people you have a girlfriend on Vday. When people know you are single and still ask.